
Monday, February 28, 2011

Green Companies: LED lightings

'Break your fluorescent shackles, and switch to LED lights'. Green companies look up to LEDs for energy efficiency. LED lighting can save up to 85 percent of the electricity used by incandescent bulbs and up to 50 percent of electricity used by fluorescents. LEDs are also highly durable.

The estimation is that widespread adoption of LED lighting by 2025 will :

  • Reduce electricity demands from lighting by 62 percent.
  • Eliminate 258 million metric tons of carbon emissions.
  • Reduce the amount of materials being put into landfills.- unlike CLFs it does not contain mercury.
  • Avoid the building of 133 new power plants.
  • Save just the US over $280 billion- imagine for world.
Now the question is, Are they not expensive?
I would say not at all, but it costs more upfront. It all depends on the how you define 'expenses'. Because in long term its going to save lot more than you spend-with the efficiency, durability & low maintenance cost. LED lights can have a lifetime of 50,000 hours and more in continuous operation. Unlike other lighting technologies LEDs do not completely fail—they grow dimmer. At the 50,000 hour mark, Cree’s LED lights are designed to provide at least 70 percent of their initial light output.
The estimated cost for the new lighting technology has an approximate 1.3-year payback.

Cree, Inc. (Nasdaq: CREE), a manufacturer of LED solid-state lighting components, reduced the energy consumption by 45% percentage in its Headquarters. 
And there are many more testimonies out there, which inspire you to go for LED lights.
Green companies use LED lighting in offices, parking lots, as streetlights, restaurants,restrooms etc. It can be also used in advertising boards. Depending upon lighting requirement one can choose the type of LEDs.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Green Companies- PepsiCo (India)

"Performance With Purpose articulates PepsiCo India’s belief that its businesses are intrinsically connected to the community and world that surrounds it"

PepsiCo- India, acts as a testimony for Green Companies and previous posts . Various green measures initiated with the above statement strengthen their belief.

1. Replenishing Water :
    They call it the 'positive water balance'. Giving back more water than they take. Different steps is been implemented to replenish water to the environment. Rain water harvesting, Community water projects, Water conservation in agriculture are some of the steps taken.
know more 

2. Reducing water usage in plants:
    In last five years through awareness, recycling, & re-engineering more than 45% of water usage is been reduced & saved 3 billion liters of water through conservation efforts.
know more

3. Solid waste management:
    With the partnership with leading environmental NGO Exnora- a pioneer in waste mangement, PepsiCO is able to recycle 97% of the household garbage providing the community members the benefit of clean environment.  Bio-degradable waste converted into organic manure through the process of vermi-culture. Waste segregation is a method to be noted.
know more

Awards like Golden Peacock Award for Innovation in 2006, BSE NASSCOM Social and Corporate Governance Award 2008 ,and recognition by UNICEF in 2007 adds strength to their work...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Individual Green responsibilities in green companies

Green awareness among all the people inside the company play a vital as a whole in Making the company green.
 Some of the individual green responsibilities followed in green companies are:

1. Efficient usage of power: Proper knowledge about the loss & awareness in power conservation methods will lead to efficient power usage. Switching off the machines, PCs & other appliances when not in use and while leaving work. 

2. Usage of papers: 75% of A4 size paper is used one sided before disposal. Awareness about the optimum & efficient (whenever in need only) paper usage will help in reduction of paper usage.

3. Efficient usage of water:  A sincere effort by the individuals towards the efficient usage of water should be adapted. Companies should encourage their people to in doing so.

4. Reducing plastic usage and proper disposal of used plastics.

5. Reducing the usage of  napkins/ tissue paper after every hand wash. Usage of handkerchiefs can save loads of tissue papers.

6. Sticking to company green norms & strictly following them.

Individual green responsibilities can do a lot for the companies. They need to take measures in implementing them, thats it.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Waste Management & Neutralization by green companies

Waste Neutralization is one of the main but less concentrated aspect in most companies. Most companies are concerned with waste disposal but, Waste Neutralization, very few. 

Waste neutralization is step where the waste materials from the company are not directly disposed to the environment but it is neutralized there by nullifying the effect of these waste materials on ecosystem.

 Waste Neutralization & Waste Management steps followed by green companies :

1. Waste segregation is a step under waste management. It includes segregation of wastes like plastics, bio-medical waste, paper, e-waste, biodegradable & non-biodegradable etc. Placing labeled dustbins for each waste is effective way of doing this.

2. Food Waste- Talking about 'Waste' in companies doesn't make us think of food waste most of the times. Lots food waste are produced in companies.  These wastes can be disposed to near by piggery or some other forms.

3. Kitchen Waste- When it comes to kitchen waste, you might think that the dustbin is the right place for it.
But can be converted into manure using Vermiculture or even Biogas  using KWP (kitchen waste plant). 

4. Neutralization of used water and their re-usage.

5. The process waste materials that is produced during process of the company is properly segregated and recycling or waste neutralization is done before their disposal. Proper places are to be chosen for disposal.

A sincere effort towards the reduction, recycling & neutralization of waste materials and usage of new methods and techniques are always encouraged in green companies.  

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Water usage optimization & neutralization of used water in green companies

Coming to water usage, most things are well know, but yet seldom put to use. Yet this information will act as check list.
Studying the water usage versus the purposes/process. And water usage reduction in each individual purpose will reduce water usage drastically.
Water usage optimization  & neutralization of used water is one of the ways/steps in Making your company green.
Some of efficient water usage steps green companies follow :

1. Rain Water Harvesting:
    Rain Water Harvesting is one the main methods seen in enhancing the water supply to the companies. It helps you by increasing the under ground water & there by reducing the unnecessary water bills.

2. Usage of water for primary & secondary purposes by recycling the water.
     Different water treatment techniques can be adopted based on the Usage & requirement.
     Neutralization of water before its release and usage for secondary purposes where ever possible.

3. Optimize the usage of water by using appropriate technologies & creating awareness among the people of company.

4. Stop leaks.
    Check all water-using appliances, equipment, and other devices for leaks. Running toilets, steady faucet  drips, home water treatment units, and outdoor sprinkler systems are common sources of leaks.

5. Use easy close Taps, & techniques like drip irrigation and sprinkler while watering plants & garden in and around the campus. 

6. More over anything apply innovative thoughts to optimize water usage according to the functions & usage of water in the campus.  

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Reduction of carbon in green companies

Some of the carbon reducing techniques green companies follow in making their company a green company:

1. Sticking to energy efficient ways is one of the best way to reduce carbon.

2. Permitting only emission controlled vehicles into the company campus.

3. Usage of bicycles & golf carts inside campus reduce considerable air pollution.

4. Car pooling or Cab facilities from companies will help in reduction of pollution.

5. Garden waste:
     Don't burn leaf litter, mulch or compost it instead - burning vegetation spews great volumes of carbon dioxide and other heat trapping pollutants into the atmosphere

6. Creating awareness of Individual responsibility towards carbon pollution reduction to employees & people under reach.

7. Planting more trees in and around the campus.

8. Green supply chain:
    Raw material vendors are located in minimum radius, whenever possible.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Energy efficiency - The heart of green companies

'Knowledge of usage helps to reduce the usage'. In order to increase the energy efficiency its necessary to evaluate the energy consumption patterns & identify the energy optimization opportunities. Identifying the energy wastage modes and eradicating them is the first step in Making your company green.
Energy efficient steps the green companies follow includes:

1. Effective usage of energy, by technology up gradation. Keeping yourself updated with the new methods and technologies that are used in your industry. Analyse, how it might work for your energy consumption patterns. Set up efficient methods & technologies as per your patterns & needs.

2. Effective use of sunlight to generate energy- solar panels and solar water heaters. Most obvious but, less implemented method.

3. Green companies prefer green infrastructure/LEED norms:
      - Reduce heat ingress by using reflective glasses in building thus reducing cooling  & air conditioning
      - Use of pastel shades to reflect heat.
      - Its not uncommon that artificial light is used even in day time as well. May not sound funny since its common, but it is. Plan for your ventilation and use natural light.

4. Cutting the usage of air conditioner whenever possible. Trees around your campus can reduce AC usage & there by reduce bills. So invest on them. Again, most obvious but ..... less implemented. 

5. Mirror optic fitting to artificial light source (bulb) reflects more light. 

6. Energy efficient appliances- CFL bulbs or LED technology are used.

7.  Reduction of energy wastage due to negligence, Switching off the machines, PCs & other appliances when not in use and while leaving work. We will deal more with this in individual green responsibilities
 Green companies reduce energy consumption thus indirectly contributing for carbon reduction

Make your Company a Green Company

Need not to mention that many big, medium & even small companies are actively conducting/participating in Eco-friendly events within & even outside the company.
Some of the simple steps can be adapted to make your company green:

1. Energy efficiency - The heart of green companies:
    Evaluation of energy consumption patterns & identification of energy optimization opportunities. Rectification eradication of energy wastage modes.

2. Reduction of Carbon:
    Combining the individual green responsibilities,  new technologies, appropriate methods for respective functions and sincere engineering effort to reduce carbon emissions improves the working environment of the employees.

3.  Water usage optimization  & neutralization of used water:
     Effective water utilization techniques & water treatment plants are implemented.

4. Waste Neutralization:
     'Waste management' does catches the attention of 'Management' these days. Reduction, neutralization and recycling of waste materials are given priorities among others.

5. Individual green responsibility:
    Sincere efforts to create awareness among the work force of the company towards the green responsibility.

6. Get associated with Green business:
    Even though 'green business' is one more fancy word today, there are some genuine players. Association & encouragement will make them give better green solutions.  

Benchmarking for 'Corporate Green  Activities' keeps you updated with the new methods and technologies that are used in your industry.
More over anything creating the genuine urge to go green among all individuals of the company is must.
By just concentrating on this basic simple steps you are doing favor for yourself as well for the nation.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Need for Green companies

"God gave us resources to live, knowledge about how to use them is necessary"

CGR (Corporate green responsibility) is not just part of CSR (Corporate Social responsibility) but a necessity for the corporates today. Corporates are becoming aware of need of green companies.Consumer awareness & governmental regulations are making it mandatory for the corporates to turn them into a green company.

With the growing burden on the environment, its high time for the corporates to turn green. And the companies who do so are destined to enjoy the following benefits.

1. Long term financial benefits:
Turning green doesn't just save for the country or the government. It saves for your company as well. Lots of money can be saved in long term even though some initial investment might be required.

2. Brand value:
With the increase of consumer awareness, people love to be associated with the green companies- I have seen people who get annoyed for getting plastic bags from the cash counter. Consumer love their trusted brand turning green.

3. Not just the customers even employees loves to associated the green companies. Good and healthy environment not only encourage them, but makes them efficient. Turning green will also the increase employee trust towards the company.

4. More over any thing, the necessity for green companies is for better future of the company, public, and the world. It's its responsibility.