
Monday, February 28, 2011

Green Companies: LED lightings

'Break your fluorescent shackles, and switch to LED lights'. Green companies look up to LEDs for energy efficiency. LED lighting can save up to 85 percent of the electricity used by incandescent bulbs and up to 50 percent of electricity used by fluorescents. LEDs are also highly durable.

The estimation is that widespread adoption of LED lighting by 2025 will :

  • Reduce electricity demands from lighting by 62 percent.
  • Eliminate 258 million metric tons of carbon emissions.
  • Reduce the amount of materials being put into landfills.- unlike CLFs it does not contain mercury.
  • Avoid the building of 133 new power plants.
  • Save just the US over $280 billion- imagine for world.
Now the question is, Are they not expensive?
I would say not at all, but it costs more upfront. It all depends on the how you define 'expenses'. Because in long term its going to save lot more than you spend-with the efficiency, durability & low maintenance cost. LED lights can have a lifetime of 50,000 hours and more in continuous operation. Unlike other lighting technologies LEDs do not completely fail—they grow dimmer. At the 50,000 hour mark, Cree’s LED lights are designed to provide at least 70 percent of their initial light output.
The estimated cost for the new lighting technology has an approximate 1.3-year payback.

Cree, Inc. (Nasdaq: CREE), a manufacturer of LED solid-state lighting components, reduced the energy consumption by 45% percentage in its Headquarters. 
And there are many more testimonies out there, which inspire you to go for LED lights.
Green companies use LED lighting in offices, parking lots, as streetlights, restaurants,restrooms etc. It can be also used in advertising boards. Depending upon lighting requirement one can choose the type of LEDs.

1 comment:

  1. LED lights are lights of the future. the % of energy savings they do is just awesome. it can extend upto 80%.
